Imagine the Possibility and Say: I’m Worth It

Oct 10, 2020

The choice is in front of you: keep doing the same thing or take the uncomfortable step into possibility. Why? Because you are worth it.

The Breakdown

Years ago, I took a leap and signed up for part three of a transformational workshop. This step was hard. I stepped through BIG financial fears and decided somehow, I would make it work. The course was three months. I paid in full and was locked in—no turning back.

The first weekend, I discovered our mandatory weekly meetings were going to be Wednesday nights—a night I worked. I was already stretched to the financial breaking point. I had five jobs and was not in a position to switch my shifts around. There was no way out. I would have to give it up.

As this realization sank in, my body began to react. The breakdown started slowly at first. My breathing quickened, and silent tears fell from my eyes. Eventually, I began to hyperventilate and convulse. All structures of control and safety I spent a lifetime building began to crumble, and my body was freaking the f*#% out!

I wanted what the workshop offered. I wanted it so bad, but losing a shift, losing more money was more than I could bear. This loss of income was measurable…I could measure what I would lose. I had no idea what I might gain. Maybe I’d heal, cultivate happiness, or some my issues would dissipate. But I had know way of knowing for sure. How could I even measure that against the tangible dollar?

This is why people like money back guarantees. This is why people prefer to buy “things.” They say I deserve this new car, this new ring, or this fancy meal because they can directly compare it to what they are losing. It is an even trade, there is no increase of value, no elevating up.

Are You Worth it?

When people step into buying something that might elevate their life fear sets in for two reasons. What they could gain is unknown, and they can measure what they will lose. But the real resistance is usually because they don’t believe they are worth it.

I had no way of knowing what the workshop would bring to my life. It was UNKNOWN, and I could not measure that against the money I was losing. But really, the bottom line was: I did not believe I deserved the life I said I wanted.

Standing in that room that day, I had to ask myself if “I” was worth the money I was losing. If I deserved to do the thing that would help me reach the next level in my life. I wanted big things. But until I accepted I was worth it and could say yes to myself, I would never have them.

A light switch flipped on for me that day. I took a deep breath and said yes to myself. Why? Because I am worth it.

I almost passed out, and my legs shook for a solid two hours after I made the decision to stay.

Was it worth it? Absolutely! Was it terrifying? Absolutely!

It wasn’t always easy, but I made it to the other side, and the value was immeasurable. Worth more than any Wednesday night shift.

Making your Decision

If you base every decision on what you will lose, you will always trade for the same value. If you step into the vastness of unknown possibility and believe you are worth it, you might just elevate up.

Want to talk about your elevation? Click here to schedule an initial conversation. 
